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- Last Updated: Monday, 02 January 2023 11:04
- Written by Jay A. McGuier, DDGM
- Hits: 12260
I am looking forward with optimism to the Masonic Year. New Officers and continued momentum from a great year past, we are certainly on the proper course for certain success. Last year we held our second one day school, the introduction of the 29th District Masonic Scholarship, and an outstanding regional team. The lodges are doing great work and are constantly improving; new officers and lines are developing. All of this is possible from the effort of the Past Masters, School Instructors and the Lodge Officers themselves. For this I thank each of you. Without your efforts our Lodges and Fraternity would not flourish.
At the December Communications the Grand Master outlined the serious decline we are facing as a Fraternity. We must keep an eye out for good men who would benefit from the lessons of Freemasonry.
My goals for the District for the year are as follows:
- Improved attendance at all meetings - I will be speaking with the Masters and Visitation Committee to reach out to the members of their lodges.
- Continued effort to maintain and improve ritual and regular stated meeting.
- Stronger attendance from every Lodge at school - School is a requirement for proficiency and necessary for advancement.
- To travel and visit other Lodges, to experience the Fraternal aspect that Freemasonry offers.
- Improved mentoring.
- Past Masters support and involvement in their Lodges.
I am available to all either as an individual or as a lodge. My goals are to strengthen the wonderful district we are privileged to belong to.
I Thank You for taking the time and interest in this district, and hope to see each of you at an upcoming meeting.
S & F,
Jay A. McGuier