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The 29th Masonic District is comprised of six lodges with total membership (May 2024) about 1,298 in Washington and Greene Counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Waynesburg #153... 260
Washington #164.... 265
Sunset #237........... 234
Chartiers #297........ 327
Claysville #447....... 90
Richard Vaux #454.. 122



Greetings Brethren,

The past 18 months have been challenging to say the least. As a fraternity however we managed to survive relatively well. The Grand Master and team kept our retirement homes safe, and possibly many of the brothers as well by shutting down when necessary, and using appropriate precautions. We are grateful to have come through this, but at a cost. We lost many good Brothers. 

The lodges in our district are sound, and well cared for. The line officers are resuming their stations, and work is in motion. We have a steady line of candidates, and have managed with care the ones through the shutdown period. For this I commend the officers and Past Masters of each lodge for their continued effort. We as a band of brothers love this fraternity, it means something different to each of us. The Grand Masters goal for his term was that each of us "Replace yourself in the fraternity. Not quantity, but quality.”    This has been one of our darkest times, and we are persevering.

We as freemasons have obligated ourselves to be good men, both for yourself and for the perpetuity of Freemasonry. It is this concern I would like to address here. It was recommended that we don't attend many meetings for safety concerns. We are once again returning to normalcy.  My goals for the next year for the district are as follows:

  •  Better or improved attendance at stated and extra meetings.
  •  Better ritual work within the lodges. 
  •  Return of officers, members and Past Masters to our school.

I thank each of you in the district for your efforts, checking on brothers, paying their dues when needed, supporting first responders, etc. Once again, I encourage you to be active in your lodge and district and share in this fraternity based on brotherly love.


Sincerely and fraternally,

Jay A. McGuier

29th District Deputy Grand Master


Contact The District Deputy

Jay A. McGuier, D.D.G.M.
District Deputy Grand Master
733 Taylorstown Ridge Road
Avella, PA 15312

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