More About Us

The 29th Masonic District is comprised of six lodges with total membership (May 2024) about 1,298 in Washington and Greene Counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Waynesburg #153... 260
Washington #164.... 265
Sunset #237........... 234
Chartiers #297........ 327
Claysville #447....... 90
Richard Vaux #454.. 122


District School Officers


Charles A. Lemley, Jr, District Deputy Grand Master

David W. Morgans, P.D.D.G.M., Regional Instructor


PRESIDENT:  James E. Toward, P.M., Lodge 454

VICE PRESIDENT:  James L. Armstrong, P.M., Lodge 447

SECRETARY:  David E. Thumm, Jr., P.M., Lodge 164

TREASURER: Jeffrey L. Fine, Lodge 237

TYLER:  Eric P. Briggs. Lodge 164

PRINCIPAL:  Thomas M. Gasmire, P.M., Lodge 297

ASST. PRINCIPAL: David L. Richards, P.M., Lodge 164

SENIOR INSTRUCTOR:  David David E. Thumm, P.M., Lodge 164

SENIOR INSTRUCTOR:  James E. Toward, P.M., Lodge 454

INSTRUCTORS:  (all P.M.'s)

Rodney Scherich 153
James H. Strosnider 153
David L. Richards 164
David E. Thumm, Jr 164
Edward E. Cochran 237
Joseph Breckons, Jr 237
Robert D. Worstell 297
Thomas M. Gasmire 297
Thomas Brownlee 447
James L. Armstrong 447
James E. Toward 454
James K. Anderson 454


Contact The District Deputy

Jay A. McGuier, D.D.G.M.
District Deputy Grand Master
733 Taylorstown Ridge Road
Avella, PA 15312

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